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Trans Facial Feminization Surgery in Darien

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For transgender women that would like to soften and feminize their facial features, we are proud to offer the latest in Facial Feminization Surgery. Also known as transgender FFS surgery, this surgical procedure makes subtle enhancements to the face in order to closely replicate feminine facial features.

The Aesthetic Center has helped many trans females feel more confident in their gender identity with facial modifications that may include hairline contouring, cheek implants, transgender rhinoplasty, jawline contouring, brow lifts, lip enhancement, and more. In addition to facial reconstructive surgery, our acclaimed medical spa offers FDA-approved facial fillers that can further enhance your results.

Feminizing Facial Surgery Helps You Become the Person You Feel Inside

It’s no secret that facial appearance gives other people the first impression of who you are. For trans female patients that were born with masculine facial features, we understand that it can sometimes be a struggle to assert your gender identity.

Our Connecticut FFS surgery at The Aesthetic Center marks a major milestone in your gender transformation. As experts in facial anatomy and surgical reconstruction, our board-certified Connecticut plastic surgeons will draw on their 20+ years of medical experience to help your outer appearance match the gender that you identify with on the inside.

Trans Facial Feminization Surgery in Darien

FFS Surgery that is Tailored to Your Individual Needs

When you come to The Aesthetic Center for a consultation, you are welcomed into a safe, professional environment. At the initial appointment, you will meet with a board-certified plastic surgeon who is knowledgeable about all aspects of trans-FFS surgery.

It is our goal to provide personalized attention so that our patients can obtain the best FFS surgery Connecticut has to offer. You will be encouraged to share your areas of concern so that we may enhance your facial features according to your personal definition of beauty. Whether you desire a forehead lift, jaw contouring, a more feminine nose, fuller lips, or a combination of multiple facial surgeries, our highly trained and compassionate surgeons will customize the surgical plan to your specific needs.

Why Choose The Aesthetic Center for Trans Facial Feminization?

Our experienced surgical team includes four prestigious plastic surgeons and highly trained medical assistants that have been working together for many years. As one of only a few plastic surgery clinics in the nation that specialize in transgender transformation surgeries, it is our pleasure to serve the Connecticut and New York City metro area.

We strive for excellence so that our patients can enhance their facial features with the latest techniques and medical technology available. Finally, our private surgical facility in Darien, CT is state-licensed and accredited. For trans patients, the privacy offered at our state-of-the-art facility provides a much more comfortable and safe environment than a traditional hospital setting.


Cosmetically modifying the face to alter facial features helps many patients feel more comfortable in their own skin. If you are bothered by facial features that appear too traditionally masculine, FFS may be the right fit for you. It is popular among transgender women that were assigned male at birth (AMAB) as well as non-binary trans people that would prefer more feminine or gender-neutral facial features. Cisgender women also seek FFS surgery if they feel certain facial features appear “too masculine”. A consultation with a plastic surgeon at The Aesthetic Center can help you decide if FFS is the next step in your male to female transition.

The surgeons at The Aesthetic Center are highly trained in regard to facial anatomy. The key to creating a more feminine face lies in the bone structure. Areas such as the jaw, hairline, nose, eyebrows, and forehead can all hint at gender identity. Whereas classically male faces tend to have chiseled features, feminine faces tend to have softer contours and a more delicate bone structure. 

For example, it is possible to make the forehead look more feminine by shaving down a prominent brow bone. Nose reshaping with rhinoplasty can make the nose smaller while ensuring it is perfectly proportionate to your face. Males tend to have thin lips, so lip augmentation with lip implants or injectable fillers can make them appear more feminine. A chin reduction (genioplasty) and jaw surgery can soften a harsh jawline. The possibilities are endless.

While many trans female patients choose to take hormone replacement therapy to promote a more feminine appearance, it is advisable to stop HRT at least two weeks before and after surgery. Please be sure to advise your surgeon of any and all medications you are taking, including prescriptions, over-the-counter drugs, homeopathic remedies, and vitamins.

Our surgeon or anesthesiologist will also ask you to refrain from nicotine use. It is best to stop using nicotine products at least six weeks before and after surgery to facilitate healing. The Aesthetic Center team is dedicated to patient safety. If you have any concerns, you are always welcome to consult with our medical specialists at any time, both before and after surgery.

If you are considering plastic surgery in Fairfield County or anywhere in Connecticut, contact us to schedule a one-on-one consultation with one of our expert plastic surgeons.

722 Post Road, Suite 202, Darien, CT 06820

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