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Transfeminine Bottom Surgery in Darien

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If you are a trans woman that feels ready to take the next step in male to female gender transition, then MTF surgery (also known as MTF bottom surgery) may be right for you.

The Aesthetic Center is one of few accredited plastic surgery clinics in Connecticut to offer transgender bottom surgery for trans women. Specializing in genital anatomy and surgical reconstruction, we offer transgender female patients a safe and welcoming place to embrace their true gender identity.

Helping Trans Women Achieve Beautiful, Natural-Looking Results, So They Can Lead More Fulfilling Lives

We combine careful planning and knowledge of the latest surgical techniques with a friendly, personalized approach to help trans women realize their full potential. Our prestigious medical team has 20+ years of experience and strives to work closely with each patient to accomplish beautiful results that are tailored to your needs. With male to female transition surgery, you can finally experience the freedom that comes with having a body that matches how you feel inside.

Transfeminine Bottom Surgery in Darien

Types of Bottom MTF Surgery

The plastic surgeons at The Aesthetic Center can skillfully reconstruct the male sexual organs into those of a female with modern vaginoplasty. The procedure is carefully performed to alter the existing skin, tissue, and sensory nerves, using a skillful hand and artistic precision to replicate the female form according to your preference.

There are several techniques, including:

  • Orchiectomy to remove the testicles prior to vaginoplasty
  • MTF vaginoplasty (without depth) using penile and scrotal skin to replicate female external genitalia alone
  • MTF vaginoplasty (with depth) to shape the external genitalia with penile/scrotal skin and using a skin graft or excess scrotal skin to create vaginal depth
  • Sigmoid colon vaginoplasty using the colon or bowel to line the vaginal wall for optimal depth and natural lubrication when the patient lacks adequate penile/scrotal tissue
  • Penile-peritoneal vaginoplasty technique (PPV) to mimic neovaginal depth and lubrication by pulling the peritoneum through the neovaginal canal with laparoscopy, then suturing the penile skin near the neovaginal entrance

Patient-Centered Care is Our Top Priority

As with all gender-affirming surgeries we offer, your personal preferences come first when selecting the appropriate surgical technique. We take great care during the consultation process to listen to your needs. Our goal is to work with each patient one-on-one to learn about your aesthetic goals and desires regarding sexual function. From there, our caring and attentive plastic surgeons will provide information on the surgical methods that are compatible with the results you are hoping to accomplish with a Darien sex-reassignment surgery (SRS).

We are Among the Top 30 Medical Centers in the U.S. that Specialize in MTF Surgery

The physicians and staff at The Aesthetic Center take your privacy and safety seriously. Most plastic surgeons perform cosmetic surgery in hospital settings with a high risk of contamination from sick patients and visitors. Meanwhile, our private, state-of-the-art facility is a welcome retreat that boasts the highest standards of cleanliness and comfort of any facility in Connecticut. Unlike hospitals with high staff turnover, our tight-knit team has worked together for years. Each staff member has been carefully selected and trained. With a compassionate bedside manner and knowledge of the latest surgical methods, our team works in unison for the best patient experience possible.

The Aesthetic Center’s surgical suite is licensed by the state and certified by the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities. It is in your best interest to choose a certified surgical institution like The Aesthetic Center. Doing so is a wise investment for your health and safety. We are committed to ensuring that your experience is both safe and comfortable. Our personally trained medical staff aims to build a professional and friendly relationship with each patient in order to help them feel at home in our facility. Genuine compassion and a desire to see our patients succeed in life are what sets The Aesthetic Center apart from other plastic surgeons in Connecticut and nearby New York City.


Insurance providers that cover SRS will require mental health documentation to verify a history of gender dysphoria if the surgery is not purely cosmetic in nature. Before MTF bottom surgery Connecticut patients must also start estrogen therapy at least one year in advance. This helps align the body with your true gender identity.

We take great care to reduce surgical risks using modern techniques in a sterile environment. However, all surgery carries risks. Poor wound healing, decreased sensation, fistula, and infection have been reported in medical studies. A vaginal stricture may also occur. This is a narrowing of the vaginal wall caused by fibrous tissue buildup. Serious or life-threatening complications are rare.

It is possible to experience both feeling and sexual arousal after MTF bottom surgery. When the penile core and fascia are removed, the sensory arousal nerves may be placed in the neoclitoris and clitoral hood. Depending on the type of vaginoplasty, you may also experience natural lubrication similar to a person born with female genital organs.

If you are considering plastic surgery in Fairfield County or anywhere in Connecticut, contact us to schedule a one-on-one consultation with one of our expert plastic surgeons.

722 Post Road, Suite 202, Darien, CT 06820

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