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Transmasculine Top Surgeryin Darien

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For female-to-male transgender patients, one of the first surgeries you may be interested in receiving is subcutaneous mastectomy transgender surgery. This chest reconstruction procedure helps to masculinize the chest as part of the gender transition journey. Also known as FTM Top Surgery, or Transmasculine Top Surgery, a subcutaneous mastectomy enhances your appearance by creating a sculpted and shapely male chest.

At The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery, our board-certified surgeons carefully remove the breast tissue using a minimal incision. The nipple and areola may be moved or reshaped in order to replicate a normal male chest, helping transgender FTM Top Surgery patients obtain the masculine chest they desire.

Our Connecticut chest masculinization surgery is tailored to your needs in order to bring your vision of a male chest to life. The procedure may involve:

  • Breast gland removal
  • Removal of breast fat tissue
  • Chest liposuction to add definition
  • Nipple repositioning

Female-to-Male Transition Starts with a Personalized Consultation

Take the first step toward gender reassignment with a private, no-obligation consultation at The Aesthetic Center. During a consultation for FTM Top Surgery Fairfield County patients will meet with a board-certified surgeon that specializes in chest reconstruction. We understand that it is a big decision to get gender-affirmation surgery. Our private facility meets our patients’ demand for professionalism and privacy as they begin the FTM gender-reassignment process with subcutaneous mastectomy.

Our private consultations provide a safe forum to voice your individual cosmetic goals. Whether you have been considering breast tissue removal for months, years, or a lifetime, our caring staff will provide personalized attention every step of the way. With more than 20 years of experience and knowledge of the latest surgical techniques, it is our goal to cater treatment to your exact needs to attain the masculine chest you have dreamt about for some time.

Transmasculine Top Surgery at The Aesthetic Center in Darien, CT

We Help You Choose the Best Surgical Approach to Achieve Superior Results

Our breast reconstruction surgeons are experienced in the latest chest masculinization techniques for a successful transgender “top” transition. Contrary to popular belief, subcutaneous mastectomy is not a ‘one size fits all’ surgery. Factors such as your current breast shape, size, cosmetic goals, and skin quality play an important role in choosing the right surgical approach.

The most common surgical method to masculinize the chest area involves a periareolar or inframammary fold incision. The goal is to leave inconspicuous scars that are well placed so it is not obvious that you had breast masculinization surgery. Depending on the patient’s individual needs, the breast gland may be removed along with breast tissue removal. Areolar repositioning is also sometimes necessary to achieve a natural-looking result. Your surgeon will then use skilled hands to reshape and sculpt an attractive male chest with liposuction, keeping your cosmetic preferences in mind.

What happens during a transgender subcutaneous mastectomy?

The procedure generally takes 2-4 hours to perform. Our highly skilled cosmetic breast surgeons strive to make the procedure both comfortable and safe. For this reason, patients will undergo general anesthesia. Our licensed anesthesiologist will monitor your vitals for the duration of the procedure.

Once you are safely under anesthesia, the procedure begins. A small incision is placed in either the inframammary crease or areola. In some cases, an endoscopic approach may be used to minimize scarring. Most patients choose to remove both the breast tissue and the breast gland. Chest liposuction enhances your results by sculpting the chest wall and adding a masculine definition for a chest that looks completely natural.

Our doctors will be glad to discuss the surgical approach during the consultation process so you know exactly what type of potential scarring and incision to expect.

Our State-of-the-Art Operating Suite Ensures Comfort and Privacy

Safeguarding your health and respecting your privacy is just as important as delivering a great aesthetic outcome. Outfitted with the latest technology, our private operating facility located in Darien, CT serves patients in both Fairfield County and neighboring New York City.

Our board-certified Connecticut plastic surgeons have carefully selected medical equipment that has been rigorously tested to provide uncompromising results with patient safety in mind. Unlike hospital settings that present a high risk of cross-contamination, our patients can rest easy knowing that our private facility has stringent cleanliness standards, boasting the lowest infection rate of any surgical facility in Connecticut.


With a fast recovery and low risk of complications, most patients can expect an uneventful recovery. Surgical drains may be placed to reduce fluid buildup within the chest. These drains should be emptied according to the post-op care sheet that will be provided ahead of your surgery date.

Compression garments may also be used for the first 1-2 weeks in order to reduce swelling, improve skin retraction, and protect the wound site as healing takes place. If you have any questions or concerns regarding post-op care, our compassionate team encourages you to reach out at any time.

Chest masculinization is a safe, FDA-approved procedure. Surgical complications are thankfully quite rare. However, as with all surgery, it is impossible to rule out the risk of side effects. Research indicates that the most common side effect of chest reconstruction is hematoma and wound infection.

We take patient safety seriously to minimize these risks. The Aesthetic Center Plastic Surgery & Medical Spa’s accredited facility and board-certified cosmetic surgeons strive to reduce female-to-male chest surgery complications.

Our hand-picked surgical team takes both cosmetic beauty and patient safety into consideration with equal care and attention. This ensures a beautiful cosmetic result so that our patients can feel comfortable assuming their gender identity, rather than worrying about potential adverse side effects.

If you are considering plastic surgery in Fairfield County or anywhere in Connecticut, contact us to schedule a one-on-one consultation with one of our expert plastic surgeons.

722 Post Road, Suite 202, Darien, CT 06820

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